Posts Tagged 'Family'

I’m Going Home


I am going home~! To the place where I belong~! ^^, Will be back for the weekend till next Monday and hell yeah I sure am excited! Can’t wait to be back! All the food and the nice things in Penang. ^^,

Note : I stumbled upon this video in youtube and find the song matching today’s theme and also I always love Final Fantasy VII’s MV. ^^, So enjoy the song and video.

Do take time everyday to think of those people who are really important to you. Time flies by, so use it wisely. ^^,

Visiting Grandma

Today my parents plan to go visit my grandma back in Parit Buntar which is about 45 minutes drive from Penang. Our journey started at about 1pm after having our lunch. And the journey is actually quite smooth until when we are about 20km out from Jawi exit that our car start to experience some loss in engine power and the engine start to sputter and vibrate every time my dad step on the accelerator. My first assumption was that we ran out of fuel. But then I remember that i just refueled 2 days ago. So I thought fuel leak?? But the fuel indicator still points at the half tank mark. So then I thought we might have fuel contamination. But again I rule it out because water sinks in fuel so if there is contamination I would have experienced it yesterday or in the morning when we first start the car. Then my dad suspected that it was due to electrical systems that our spark plugs aren’t firing as it should.

We only managed to maintain a speed of about 80km/h but luckily after about 1 minute I saw a sign saying Sungai Bakap rest point 5km ahead. So I was quite relieved. And upon stoppping there we immediately try to figure out whats wrong. Me and my dad was at the front probing into the bonnet to see if there is anything out of place. And after some time checking the wires and the systems, we are happy that its all green and good to go, so we decided to carry on. But upon accelerating, once again we experience the sputtering. So I was liike, uh-oh. But we decided to carry on anyway because we are actually quite close to Parit Buntar already but in that split second, our car suddenly gain back its momentum and we continued on smoothly after that. God knows whats wrong. ^^,

So we reach my grandma’s place it was about 2pm and we were told by my grandma that my cousin actually went to Penang today to visit us. So it was uh-oh again. And immediately we gave our cousin a call and turns out they are already half way through to Penang.

So we sat down and I was chatting to my grandma then suddenly a call came. It was from my cousin and she asked us to fetch my grandma to Penang since it has been ages since my grandma went to travel due to her weak legs.

So my dad agrees and after resting for about 2 hours, we went to fetch my uncle and we head back to Penang once again. It felt weird to me though because we actually plan to go there till night but now we are heading back to Penang. My grandma looks excited too since it has been some time since she came to Penang and to our home. And oh the picture below is taken near my grandma’s house where the traffic light looks a little weird to me because instead of using a single green light, they decided to go with the triple arrow design instead. Doesn’t it cost more?? Beats me..

So we reach back Penang at about 5pm and we were waiting for my cousin to come meet us for dinner at home. So at about 630pm they came and after some chatting, we went for dinner at this restaurant at Farlim called Genting at 7pm.

When we reached the restaurant it was already packed with people but luckily we managed to find a table and my parents ordered 10 different types of dishes!! OMG!! And since it was really packed there, we have to wait for about 1 hour before food is served. But it was worth the wait because the food there is delicious and it wasn’t really expensive. One person only cost about RM20, so I think it was worth it!

Overall, it was a great day today but it just feels weird for me ^^,


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