Posts Tagged 'UI Change'

New Header : Third Edition

Made yet another new header, but this time decided to go with a simpler design instead. ^^,

The colour is also not too extreme, hoping that it wouldn’t contrast with the background of the blog too much.

This header will be here to stay for some time I guess. ^^,


Quick Update

I am back again! Looks like this week I won’t be able to do a ‘lengthy’ weekend summary because I have been busy preparing for my in-house exam this coming Tuesday and Wednesday, so let me just do a quick update.

First up. I have made a few improvements to the blog. I have tagged all the post in my blog starting from the very second one(yup not the first one. hahaha) ^^,

Took me some time but I managed to do it. I hope it will help you readers in case you are looking for something specific. Therefore, I have included a tag cloud in the Widgets. ^^,

Also the other improvement that I have made, which probably you won’t notice mainly because it is a Web Analytics, located just below the tag cloud. 

I have signed up for Clicky some time ago, but don’t have the time to optimize it. Managed to do that and I say it is very cool! Recommended to any bloggers who wishes to keep track of your blog traffic. ^^, 

It provides you with real time updates and a lot of other cool functions. It can even know what operating system and browser your readers are using.

And I am proud and happy that I actually have readers from France, United States, Korea, Russia, Thailand and Malaysia. Surprising! I thought my readers were all from Malaysia. ^^, 

Anyway I guess I have to go now. Oh and before I forget, I have something cool to share with you all this coming Wednesday. So stay tuned. Good night! ^^,

New Header: Second Edition

Changed my header! Happiness!

I disliked my previous header because it looked messy. That is why I created this new header – using only 2 colours; basically crimson and indigo, and with the help of many curves (roughly about 200).

I used GIMP to create the header, and used Photoshop to convert it into JPEG image. But even so, Photoshop doesn’t give me the results I wanted. The image is not as good(in terms of quality and clarity) compared to what I have created.

Anyway for those who wondered why this blog is called Crimson Sanctuary and why is there always a butterfly on my header : –

Just ask yourself this before continuing on : What is the color crimson? Define it please.

I choose Crimson because it is very difficult color to define in my opinion. According to wikipedia, it is :

Crimson is a strong, bright, deep red color combined with some blue, resulting in a tiny degree of purple


For me, this color reflects human personality. We have certain traits in all of us, which is mixed together and defines who we are – unique in every way and like the color, not easily defined.

Why do I choose the butterfly then?

There are 2 reasons.

First one. A butterfly, such a beautiful creature, it is graceful but yet extremely fragile. Just like the human heart.

Secondly, ever heard of the Butterfly Effect

The term “butterfly effect” itself is related to the work of Edward Lorenz, and is based in Chaos Theory and sensitive dependence on initial conditions.

Small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system. This is sometimes presented as esoteric behavior, but can be exhibited by very simple systems: for example, a ball placed at the crest of a hill might roll into any of several valleys depending on slight differences in initial position.


Confusing sentence above, but the main point here is – whatever we do initially, will have a great impact upon the future path that we are going to take. 

Sounds just like a Sci-Fi film? Yes! 

I just thought that every decision we make in our life is an important one and it effects the path we are going to take in the future. 

I am here today because of many decisions that I have made. If I were to even change one of those decisions, I could have ended up elsewhere.

Let me give you a more powerful example from Wiki. LOL

Case 1 :

 In 1961, Lorenz was using a numerical computer model to rerun a weather prediction, when, as a shortcut on a number in the sequence, he entered the decimal .506 instead of entering the full .506127 the computer would hold. The result was a completely different weather scenario.[2] Lorenz published his findings in a 1963 paper for the New York Academy of Sciences noting that “One meteorologist remarked that if the theory were correct, one flap of a seagull‘s wings could change the course of weather forever.” 

Case 2 :

Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas 

The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly‘s wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that may ultimately alter the path of a tornado or delay, accelerate or even prevent the occurrence of a tornado in a certain location. The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale alterations of events. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different. While the butterfly does not cause the tornado, the flap of its wings is an essential part of the initial conditions resulting in a tornado.

Unbelievable? You are not the only one.

Anyway I guess thats enough text for today. Getting philosophical. I wonder if anybody does read this at all. Anyway good night people. ^^,

New Header

It has been some time but then I finally completed the new header. You cannot imagine the challenge I went through to create it! This was actually my second attempt. My first attempt was lost in the RAM because the electricity decided that its time for a blackout and my battery wasn’t plugged in. So…

Blog Check

With this new feature I was hoping to get feedback from you readers so I can further improve the blog. Thank you ^^,

If you have any suggestion kindly click on the ‘Other’ button below. ^^,

The Hanged Elmo

Readers may noticed my new avatar I just uploaded last night which is a hanged Elmo, the cute little red character from Sesame Street. You might ask why I uploaded a hanged Elmo? Its just simply because first, I love Elmo! Second is with living cost keeps going up, a hanged Elmo pictures my condition perfectly! I guess we are just aiming high. We have aimed for the tallest building! Sent our Malaysian to space! Planned to send another! And our latest achievement, the highest petrol hike ever! And not forgetting also the raised electricity’s tariff! I guess this is what we call a two-prong attack! Or should I say thousands of prongs, with other things going up as well and inflation knocking on our doors! Its a tough time ahead! Brace for impact!!!

P.S : My avatar is hijacked from DannyChoo. Currently has been doing quite a lot of hijacking…. >.<

Coming Soon…

So yesterday I changed stuff on my sidebar, but my next edition is going to be my header. I plan to create an image with GIMP for my header image but then so far I have no inspiration yet. So any ideas?? Wakaka >.<

Design Change

Oh if you noticed, some of the titles on my sidebar has changed ^^,

Did the changes when I am figuring how to put ads on my site which turns out to be a failure, but I decided I shall not go home empty-handed. So I did some changes. Hope you guys like it ^^,



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