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Sunday Morning Breakfast

Last week, I had breakfast with Haruhi which you can see here.

So this week, its Kagamiku’s turn. ^^,

My breakfast is fairly heavy right? >.< Well I guess it can be considered as brunch already since I ate them at about 11am. ^^,

This week, we have Chicken Cheese Frankfurter sausages and Mexican Sauce BBQ Chicken~! The chicken taste absolutely awesome~!!! And you might wonder why I always have sausages. Well its because I have fallen in love with them. They taste really delicious and is kind of addictive. ^^,

I forgot to get my supply of fruit juice, so we have no choice but to opt for the Winter Melon drink instead. And which reminds me, I only paid 90 cents for 6 of them. >.< I guess the cashier forgot to punch in the 6 when scanning them. I did not notice it also. In fact I was actually wondering why is it so cheap, because according to what I have calculated, I should be paying more. It was only when I checked the receipt upon reaching home that I realized she had made that mistake. >.<

My breakfast is really unhealthy. Look at all that oil and fat~! No green veggies. >.< So, that is why I am thinking of making mashed potato next week and I might go grab some mini carrots with cabbage and perhaps grab some more green veggies and make a healthy salad breakfast next week. ^^, LOL. Looks like nowadays I have been experimenting and cooking meals for myself every weekend. ^^,

Anyway, till next time~ Cheers~!

Kagami & Haruhi Wishes You….

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~~!!

P1070089Both of them wants to share with you that cute little mini moon cake. Any takers? *raises both hands* >.<

Anyway, here are some of the activities that you can do during the Mid-Autumn Festival :

So what are you doing to celebrate? For me, I guess I will munch down that mini moon cake in front of my laptop screen. I do wish I could share that moon cake with my loved ones while enjoying the moonlight together. But I am 600km away from home and going outside over here is not a good idea because aside from munching down the moon cake, I will also be ‘donating blood’, if you get what I mean. ^^,

For those of you who doesn’t know what the Mid-Autumn Festival is all about, kindly click here.

Sunday Morning’s Breakfast

Apparently some people is still not convinced that I can cook. So I decided to show these people again that I, in fact do know how to cook. LOL. ^^,

Decided to do some Western-style breakfast today. It has been so long since I had one. ^^, I couldn’t cook using the stove because we ran out of gas >.< , so I have to opt for the microwave oven again. ^^,

What am I going to cook today? Well, we are going to have 2 lamb patties and 3 Italian sausages. ^^, Pretty heavy for a breakfast eh? LOL.

Lamb patties and Italian sausages in oven, set to high and microwave it for 5 minutes. ^^, And as you can see, Haruhi is getting pretty impatient. Demanding her breakfast right away. >.<

After 5 minutes, pop open oven, take out the cooked sausages, flip the lamp patties over and repeat the 5 minute process again. ^^,

Haruhi : What is taking you so long to cook my breakfast?

After the second 5 minutes of microwaving, the patties are ready to be served!

And here we have our breakfast! 2 lamb patties, 3 Italian sausages served with Guava juice and a delicious apple~! Yummy~!

If you are wondering why there are only 2 sausages left on the plate, well blame Haruhi. She ate one of it while waiting for the lamb patties to cook. >.<

So who wants to join me for breakfast? ^^,


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